Upcoming Events
(un)SCRABBLE Challenge
(un)SCRABBLE is our biggest fundraising event of the year! An (un)SCRABBLE event, in a nutshell, is when teams compete in short, timed rounds, and the team that forms the highest-scoring words from their Scrabble tiles in each round is the winner. It is called (un)SCRABBLE because the format is slightly different from the regular game--all of the tiles are exposed and the teams scramble to fill their boards. We will have delicious food, friendly competition, and fabulous raffle prizes.
Dyslexia Dash
We will host a 5K Walk at Wantagh State Park to raise money for our donation-based tutoring center.
An evening where we come together to celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our students and tutors.
A Day of Bridge is a fun day filled with game play and delicious food, prizes and raffles!
Find out more about our upcoming events by reading our most recent newsletters.